PPG: 10th January 2023 Meeting Minutes




Patient Participation Group (PPG) Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 18:00 - 19:00

Meeting Type: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Chairman: MEW

PPG Members: TP, MC, FM, MF

PPG Coordinator: KP


Notes from our last meeting:

  1. PPG Rules of membership, membership and terms of reference and membership confidentiality agreement.
    • Action: It is compulsory for all members to agree and sign all three documents. It has been confirmed by our Mayfield GP Partners, Practice manager and PPG Chair.
  2. Recruitment on new PPG Members
    • Action: KP has sent out an email to patients to join and response so far is not satisfactory.
  3. New service Tympa Health, please see TympaHealth page. People in Merton and Wandsworth who are suffering from blocked ears or gradual hearing loss can now get NHS help at local pharmacies.
    • Action: The information is available in our waiting room.
  4. PPG Information available in reception are for patients to take away.
    • Action: KP will follow up.

Meeting Agenda from the Chairman

  1. A better way to get people involved in PPG? Current recruiting methods: Mayfield surgery website, Accurx text message, New patient registration, Telephone, Referral via clinicians, Referral via PPG Members
    • Action: Advertisement in local library to recruit more members. MF will pass on contact detail to KP to follow up.
  2. Wandsworth HealthWatch event.
  3. PPG Chair agree to share her email address with current PPG Members. 
  4. Our reception team not familiar with ear wax removal service when one of the PPG members made enquiry. 
    • Action: KP feedback this to our practice manager to pass on the information to our reception team.
  5.  Any new items for discussion, please send it to Chairman MEW or KP. 

Meeting Notes from Mayfield Surgery

  1. Cost of living support from Wandsworth council, please see Wandsworth Hub
    • Patients can also get some help and support from Roehampton Library.
  2. DIGIPALS – Digipals is a service which offers friendly digital support to older people in Wandsworth in order to address digital exclusion and increase financial literacy and wellbeing.
    • Visit AgeUK Digipals here
    • Digipals - We are delighted to be able to continue to offering our Digipals service for a fourth year running! Thanks to funding from Wandsworth Council, we are able to offer regular sessions in libraries across the borough as well as some remote support for those who are less mobile.
    • What is Digipals?
      • Digipals is a service which offers friendly digital support to older people in Wandsworth in order to address digital exclusion and increase financial literacy and wellbeing. Run by Age UK Wandsworth staff and DBS checked volunteers, the service aims to enable older people to benefit from digital connectivity whether that be shopping online, accessing information and entertainment on the internet or connecting with people via emails/video calls/social media.
    • Tablet loan and remote support 
      • We now have a bank of tablets with paid-for 4G connectivity that we are able to loan for periods of up to 3 months. During this period, the user will be offered a minimum of 3 tutorials with our friendly team of staff and volunteers. As well as meeting in person, these can be conducted via secure remote support software (already installed on the devices) and the telephone. Towards the end of the 3 months, we will be able to offer advice on buying a device and wifi/data packages available. 
      • Continued support will then be available either remotely or in one of our group sessions in libraries around the borough and at the Gwynneth Morgan Day Centre.
  3. Mayfield PPG Website update:
  4. Patients now have another option to contact our GP via online message system call Accurx. Patients don’t have to wait in the queue to talk to our reception team. Quicker response from our clinicians.
    • Patients can visit our website. Then select Start online consultation.
  5. Currently we have reception and admin position available, please refer them to us.
    • Please contact the surgery directly.

Our next PPG meeting date can be online or in-person.

The next meeting date is Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 18:00

This meeting date may change again due to the shortage of surgery staff.