Our Appointment System





If you would like to book appointment at the practice please submit your query via AccuRx.


Please us AccuRx before calling the surgery for the fastest responce from our Reception and Admin Team.

Routine appointments can be booked up to 6 weeks in advance.

A doctor's appointment

Please note that the receptionists are trained to ask questions in order to help you to receive the right care for your condition. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

The phones are very busy first thing in the morning and particularly on Mondays and Fridays. If it is not urgent, you will get through more quickly outside of these times.

Appointments can be telephone appointments, video consultations (you will need a smartphone) or face to face.

Please remember - standard appointments are for 10 minutes; the doctor or nurse will not be able to deal with multiple problems in a single appointment. Please let the receptionist know when you book the appointment if you think you may need a longer appointment. Situations where you will always need a longer appointment are:

  • For cervical smear screening
  • For an annual review eg asthma, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, mental health
  • Where an interpreter is needed

Urgent appointments are offered on the same day for severe pain/illness/possible malignancy.

If your condition is critical eg severe chest pain, shortness of breath or stroke- don’t delay, dial 999.

We also offer some late appointments 1 day a week and some Saturday morning clinics as part of the improving patient access initiative. This is aimed at those who work away from the Surgery and cannot make routine appointments during the day. These are pre-bookable appointments only.


Telephone advice

Our nurses are available to help you with advice on all aspects of health care.

Your pharmacist is trained to offer advice and help.

Learn more about the Pharmacy First Scheme

Telephone consultations can be booked with a doctor. They will ring you on the agreed date and approximate time on the telephone number you have given.


Cancelling your appointment

If you are unable to come to your appointment, please phone to cancel. We can then offer the appointment to someone else.