Membership and Terms of Reference

Please read before signing up

Patient Participation Group

The collaborative group shall be known as the PRIME Network Participation Group.



The purpose of the Virtual Patient Participation Group is to establish a system of communication with registered patients in the Practices within the PCN so that their views and concerns are fed back. We also aim for our patients and VPPG members to have a better understanding and knowledge of the Practices, its staff and its viewpoint. It is hoped that by establishing a VPPG, a more diverse and regular group will emerge.



The structure is comprised of a Virtual Patient Group, with communication between the group and the Practice/Network via an online platform such as Zoom or Skype, and also via the secure NHS email address


The Key Points

  • The group will aim to represent the diversity of our practice population;
  • To work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients
  • Create and improve two-way communication between patients, the Practice and the community it serves;
  • To build a sense of partnership between Practice and patients;
  • Provide constructive feedback on patient needs, concerns and interests;
  • Support the Practice in good health promotions, preventative medicine and health literacy.
  • Collect patient opinions and experiences to help the Practice to evaluate its services.
  • Communicate to the Practice community and/or the wider community information about the Practice;
  • The practice does not expect membership of the group to take up too much of our members' time, unless members choose to give more;
  • Membership of the group will have no impact on your medical care, in any way;
  • Members can choose to leave the group whenever they wish.

Confidentiality and Code of Conduct

All members of the PPG must be made aware of the need to maintain absolute patient confidentiality at all times. Any member whose work on behalf of the PPG includes work in the practice or consulting with other patients or members of the public should sign and return a copy of the Patient Confidentiality Agreement before undertaking such activity. All PPG members must abide by the Code of Conduct.


Patient Participation Is

Patients working with a practice to:

  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of services;
  • Foster improved communication between the practice and its patients;
  • To make sure that the patient voice is listened to and not necessarily always to be the voice itself;
  • Help patients to take more responsibility for their health; and
  • Provide practical support and help to implement change.

Varied to suit local needs

  • Each group determines its own activities according to the wider needs of the community and the practice itself.

Based on co-operation

  • VPGs work by building a relationship between the practice and its patients that breaks down barriers and shares information.
  • VPGs can develop to influence the wider NHS, most notably the decisions that are made on behalf of patients about the services that are to be available to them.

Patient Participation Is Not

A forum for complaints

  • Clear ground rules are declared to ensure that VPG members do not use the VPG as a vehicle to resolve their own personal issues and/or complaints.

A time-consuming activity for practice staff

  • Some effort is required to get VPGs going but thereafter they should be self-organising and patient led and will often undertake activities that save the practice time.


The terms of reference for both groups will be reviewed on an annual basis or if the NHS requires change to be made to the regulations.

Read more about the Patient Group