Clinics and Services




Disease Management

We recommend that patients with long term diseases, such as Diabetes, Asthma and heart disease are seen regularly so we can monitor their condition. Our specially trained nurses can see you in their clinics.

We recommend that all women between the age of 25 and 65 years have regular cervical smears. Also that those over 50 years take up the invitation for Breast screening every 3 years.

Image of a doctor speaking to a patient


Image of a therapist speaking to a patient

Counselling Services

A counsellor attends our surgery regularly and appointments can be made after consultation with the doctor.

Big White Wall Referral

Our doctors can also offer a referral to the Big White Wall programme. It is a website which is completely anonymous, offers 24 hour 7 day a week access to feedback from counsellors online and forums which some people find helpful to chat with others regarding various problems from stress and anxiety to mild depression. Please book an appointment with any doctor for further information.


Stop Smoking Clinic

So you have tried to give up smoking and just cannot seem to quit? Why is it so hard to give up smoking?

Sometimes you just need a bit of suppport and help in giving up - that is why Mayfield Surgery offers a smoking cessation service for our patients.

Contact us on 020 8780 5770 to arrange an appointment with David

This could be the start of a new healthier you!

Image of a person discarding a cigarette


Long Term Conditions - PACT Clinic

We have a clinic at the Surgery which specialises in seeing patients with Long Term Health Conditions.

This clinic is designed to focus on a patient's particular needs based on their particular health conditions.

Patients will be invited to attend a 30 minute appointment with a GP.